Immobilienkauf in Lettland. Risiken zu minimisieren. Video auf Deutsch:
Spilbridge in a nutshell – languages, specialisation, fees. Video in English:
Anwaltskanzlei Spilbridge in Lettland, Riga; Arbeitsprachen, Rechtsbereiche, Kosten, video auf Deutsch:
Tendencies in foreign investment in Latvia from Spilbridge perspective in 2024, video in English:
Welcoming AMLA to Riga and more people from Latvia willing to open bank accounts elsewhere, video in English
Our experience in dealings with the Latvian State Revenue Service, video in English
Association of European Lawyers (AEA) XVI International Congress in Vienna, Austria (25th and 26th May 2023)
Video – pārsteigumi, kas var sagaidīt Uzņēmumu reģistrā – jaunas juridiskās adreses reģistrēšana, pieprasījums iesniegt mājaslapā nenorādītus dokumentus, analoģiska Vācijas reģistra izdota dokumenta nepietiekamība
Tipps: Immobilienkauf in Lettland
How to defend against attempts of SIA Cityparks Latvija to collect an alleged contractual penalty (parking lot case at Salaspils RIMI), video